Hi there! I’m Shannon, and I’ve been making kigurumis as Mango Island since 2008.
Even before I started Mango Island, I fostered my creative pursuits. I’ve been drawing, sculpting, and creating since I was a child. I received a BFA in animation at the School of Visual Arts. Long before art school, I took up in the family pastime, sewing. Through them I became a seasoned seamstress and had the most fun designing and giving life to my own stuffed animals. I’ve come a long way since then!
When you commission Mango Island, you can trust that you are purchasing a product crafted by a creative with a lifetime of experience not only in sewing but in design, illustration, and more.
Not only is every Kigurumi I create backed with my years and years of experience, but each product is imbued with it’s very own custom twist— it’s created just for you!